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In Memoriam: Gregg StantonE

One of the early AAUS members and past Conrad Limbaugh for Diving Leadership recipients (2014) recently passed away. Gregg Stanton was a long-time DSO at Florida State University where he developed the Academic Diving Program. An early objective for Gregg was to define Diving Science and participate in the development of this new field. His fascination with Marine Biology (commensal complexes/behavior) did not limit the discipline of science he supported. Gregg earned a BA in Zoology, from the University of Hawaii. It was a five-year degree with a focus on Marine Biology. He was Scientist-In-The-Sea at Florida Atlantic University and part of the US Navy/FSUS Program in Diving Science. He earned an MA in Biological Science from Florida State University, with a focus on behavior of marine organisms. Gregg served in the AAUS as chair of the elections committee, chair of the statistics committee, and on the board of directors. His early involvement in cave diving, open- circuit mixed gas, and rebreathers helped to pave the way for the AAUS community working in overhead environments and employing new equipment and techniques that some in the community resisted or actively lobbied against. Gregg hosted one of the early AAUS Symposiums outside of California at Wakulla Springs in northern Florida, where many DSOs took part in workshops on the subjects mentioned above. Some of his many accomplishments in scientific diving include: • 1966 Provisional NAUI Instructor (was too young to certify), Honolulu Hawaii, completed in 1973 at West Palm Beach • 1965-6 Developed first Diving Program at Mauna’olu College, Hawaii • 1966-7 RA with Gregory Bateson, Oceanic Institute, study of Cetacean communications • 1967-9 RA with Jim McVey Cooperative Fisheries, assisted UH graduate students on artificial reef research • 1971-2 RA with Aquatic Sciences Inc. aquaculture research primarily life history rearing tropical organisms • 1972-5 RA at Harbor Branch Foundation Lab, lock out diver, created lab library, reef surveys, diver training • 1975-9 RA at Florida State University, created Academic Diving Program, managed Scientist-In-The-Sea V • 1979-2000 Faculty (Biology) & Director Academic Diving Program, taught courses in three departments • 1980-85 USCG Aux. for 4 yrs/Education Officer (1998 USCG Masters 100 Ton Captains license.) • 1984-5 Developed surface-supplied under-ice diving technology now used in Polar Programs in Antarctica • 1985 Offered first Nitrox/Trimix course (with NURP & Hamilton) to Dive Officers at FSU Marine Lab • 1986 Hosted 1st AAUS Annual Diving for Science Conference outside La Jolla, CA at FSU in Tallahassee • 1987-P NAUI Course Director, & NOAA Working Diver for FSU/NOAA application of SUS, Palau Project • 1988 Cave Diver, 1991 Cavern Instr, 1999 Cave Instr, 2006 CCR Cave Instr, Developed Inwater supervisor • 1990 Co-Chaired (w/Bozanic) Technical Nitrox course for AAUS Dive Officers at Catalina ML, CA • 1995-2001 Taught a sailboat based marine research summer course in Fl. Keys: survey of fish diseases • 2003 CCR Diver, 2004 CCR Instructor, 2006 CCR IT, 2005-2012, 12 CCR platforms as Instructor • 2003-P Search for new Crustacean Species (Cave Biology w/Tom Iliffe) Bahamas & Mexico • 2000-04 Faculty & Director Advanced Science Diving Program, UW Crime Scene Investigation Program • 2004-P Owner Wakulla Diving Center, Inc. Now a 10,000-sf training centric facility at all diving levels • 2005-P Organized & coordinated Life Support Investigations, Inc. Diving fatalities, at behest of USCG • Participated on over 300 student driven aquatic projects, and over 100 faculty projects, from NPS Fl Forts, under ice Antarctica, early-man sites, H2SO4 Palau lakes, Mexico caves, to Gulf Mexico Crimes • 30 publications,12 through the Proceedings of the AAUS: Diving for Science • Served as Chair for AAUS Elections, AAUS Statistics, and on the AAUS Board • Taught/managed intense summer Scientist-In-The-Sea 1976 and 2000 Programs