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AAUS Student Scholarships 2023

The AAUS Foundation awards scholarships to graduate students engaged in, or planning to begin, research projects in which diving is used as an important research tool or studying diving science. The Foundation awards $3000 to each winning proposal from the Masters and Doctoral level submissions. Additionally, the AAUS may award $1500 scholarships to the second ranked proposals in each category.
Applicants must:
• Be a current member of AAUS (student or full member). Please review the difference between a member and AAUS scientific diver described in the FAQs here. Prospective applicants can join at www.aaus.org/Join.
• Be accepted and enrolled in a Master's program (for the Master's Program award) or a Ph.D. program (for the Ph.D. program award). • Submit online application form.
• Submit a proposal of 3 to 5 pages describing the research methods, significance of the research, and a budget (if part of a larger budget, specify how AAUS funds will be spent). Must be uploaded through submission form.
• Ensure that one letter of support from a faculty advisor is submitted electronically to [email protected]
• Agree to write an article for the E-Slate describing the proposed research within one year of scholarship award.
• Present the results of their research at an AAUS symposium or other scientific meeting within one year of the project’s completion.
Completed applications are due 30 June. More information and the online application can be found at www.aausfoundation.org/scholarships/apply now. Send questions to the Scholarship Committee Chair at [email protected]