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AAUS BOD Call for Nominations

The 2023 AAUS Nominating Committee is now accepting nominations of Individual Members for Secretary and Director-at-large (1) positions on the AAUS Board of Directors. Successful candidates will serve a 3-year term commencing on January 1st, 2024. Nominees must be full voting members in good standing within the Academy. A nomination letter (not to exceed 300 words) begins the process and is best focused on how a particular candidate can contribute to the Academy based on their academic or diving safety contributions, or previous development of not-for-profit organizational governance experience. Nominees put forward by the Committee will be required to provide a current photo, bio, and written answers to three questions on their vision for their time on the Board and the future of the Academy.


Please submit your nomination letter, no later than March 30, 2023, to any one of the five AAUS Nominating Committee members:

Derek Smith ([email protected])

Jessie Miles ([email protected])

Jim Nestler ([email protected])

Nate Schwarck ([email protected])

Pema Kitaeff ([email protected])

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